Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sales Process

Part of a transcript from last night's class...

Instruktor: OK rishi reminded me of another important point...
Instruktor: there is a well documented sales process...
Instruktor: Approach
Instruktor: Qualification
Instruktor: Agreement on need
Instruktor: Sell the Company
Instruktor: Fill the need
Instruktor: Closing
Instruktor: so the approach we have done by going to retailer as a customer and asking questions...
Instruktor: we qualified the buyer way back when by getting in front of the buyer as potential customer of the store
Instruktor: when they said "good idea does not exist" we got agreement on need...
Instruktor: so when you go back, with the sample...
Instruktor: and you have done the approach
Instruktor: done the qualification, done the agreement on need..
Instruktor: and they buyer decides he wants your idea,,,,,
Instruktor: after all of your work, expect the buyer then to ask why he sould buy it from you?
Instruktor: why not buy it from someone else?
Instruktor: buyers are often convinced by salespeople they need a product, and end up buying it somewhere else...
Instruktor: how come?
Instruktor: because the real selling is at the "sell the company" step...
Instruktor: this is when you sell yourslef as not only the best, but the only one...
Instruktor: and you win this by competing on design..
Instruktor: there is no other source...
Instruktor: right..
     Rishi: y
Instruktor: and that is why so often sales reps go into say a petco, even if they get in, even if tpetco decides to buy, like the idea...
Instruktor: petco buyers (and all other mass mdsers)  then have other suppliers make a bid
Instruktor: and there is always someone who will go lower on price...
Instruktor: always...
   bjsines: but poorer quality product?
     Rishi: I agree. I went through a similar experience recently.
 BHolzmann: they'll find your supplier anyhow ...!
Instruktor: bj... maybe, maybe take a loss on same quality to defend shelf space...
Instruktor: yes..
Instruktor: competing on price is just too tough..
Instruktor: better to make more money doing less work and be not only the best, but the only one..
Instruktor: and here is the huge criticism I get so often by people who move ahead...
Instruktor: They say "competing on design does not take much...  you should emphasize how little it takes to compete on design!"
Instruktor: I get that constantly...
Instruktor: Ugggh...
Instruktor: I put a whole section on the book on that...
Instruktor: "perturbability rate...."
Instruktor: I talk about it in the class..
 BHolzmann: ha!  people prefer to see others fall on the sidewalk then suceed ahead!  ha!
Instruktor: it is in the transcripts...
Instruktor: No, not that Bholz... I think it is they just expect it to take so much more..
Instruktor: it is the old thing
Instruktor: a little dab will do ya..
Instruktor: of easy does it
Instruktor: or whatever...
Instruktor: but it happens time and again..
Instruktor: people who get going say... it was so easy!
Instruktor: not sure how to otherwise convince people of that..
Instruktor: it 's like thjose zen flower arrangin classes..
Instruktor: the master just comes in, looks, and says, "remove two flowers..."
Instruktor: and then again
Instruktor: anf again...
Instruktor: and eventually it is perfect...
 BHolzmann: i'm laughing!
Instruktor: we all tend to way overdo what we need to do
Instruktor: lack of confidence or something..
Instruktor: or just experience...
Instruktor: Bholz, has had flower arranging classes?
 BHolzmann: indeed ... it can be very scary to loads of people - majority!
Instruktor: I've works with some great designers..
Instruktor: and they really do not do much...
Instruktor: I guess because they don't have to
Instruktor: what makes them great is they know what works or not...
Instruktor: and heck sake, that is how come we include designers in our costs...
Instruktor: they can make our complex ideas simple and saleable
Instruktor: and recall...
Instruktor: we only want enough design to get our first iteration enough orders from custoemr to cover suppliers minimimum...
Instruktor: here is a good example of that...
   bjsines: then customers feedback will help improve initial design.
Instruktor: talk about only enough to cover a minimum order requirement....
Instruktor: exactly, bj..
Instruktor: which is how apple has moved to the top...

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