Saturday, August 9, 2014

Wine Fraud and Billionaires

Meanwhile, as the USA taxpayers pursue "weaponizing ebola" and ignoring human trials crimes in mad scientist experiments, some guy scamming "wine connoisseurs" gets ten years.
US District Judge Richard M. Berman said: "The public at large needs to know our food and drinks are safe and not some potentially unsafe homemade witch's brew.
"This was a very serious economic fraud, a manipulation of US and international markets."
Was the judge sleeping through the trial?  The trial was about fraud, not unsafe wine.  And further, by what stretch of the imagination could a court and a sentence in any way advance food security?

We once had a principle called caveat emptor.  If the idiot Koch is paying millions for a bottle of Two Buck Chuck, then the scammer deserves his millions.  What is it to you or me?  Why do we have to pay for a long trial and a long incarceration because Koch is a pretentious ass?  If he wants to prosecute someone, do it himself (in fact, for about the first 100 years of USA, if you wanted a prosecution, in fact you had to do it yourself.)

Wasn't the perp doing society a favor by wealth redistribution, taking fracking millions from Koch and blowing it on important things, like fast cars, girls looking for fun and well, good wine?  I hope this guy is on Obama's pardon list.

We have such better no-cost systems than the ones we pay for...

O well, who cares?   All law enforcement in USA is theatre anyway.  It's all run amok, so let's just play make believe.

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