Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Destroying the USA University System

Once we learned to lend credit at usury, there was no rational limit to what we could have.  Universities borrowed massive funds and overpaid for what they overbuilt and the flow of new ideas to be capitalized with "intellectual" "property" "rights" never materialized.   O dear?  What to do?  NPR reports.

Well, raise tuition of course.  And then pitch for more scholarship dollars, but make very sure the poor and minorities cannot access that, by having the IRS tax scholarships as income.  Get a nice $100,000 scholarship, but owe the IRS $30,000.  These kids can't afford $30,000.

Some old solution on the rise: privatdozents with a twist.  A privatdozent is a non-appointed faculty (in Germany) who is free to teach whatever and gets paid directly by the students.  In essence, I and countless others teach on this basis as adjunct lecturers.  We split the revenue with the school, and in essence make money for the school, instead of being a cost center for the school.  We get no other employee benefits.

The schools are thinking about renting out those expense empty laboratories to private researchers.  But there is no possible way that can work out since the schools, given cheap and apparently unlimited credit, paid too much for to much.  Anyone renting a university lab must cover the cost of all that waste.  And as a state institution, it cannot go bankrupt, so, back to nailing the students.

The response to problems in USA is war.  After relentless news that ISIS is crossing the USA borders, when top generals tell us there has never been such a terrifying threat to USA,  polls show growing support for USA re-involvement in the Middle East wars. Tonight we will see how we will solve the crisis in education, we'll expand our wars.

We will get fooled again!

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