Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Medicine, Panic and Control

It is now downplayed, but after Saudi Arabians attacked us on 9-11, there was an anthrax scare that we were assured come to us from Iraq.  It turned out to be from Fort Dix, NJ.  A USA thing.

The CDC is notoriously lax with the most deadly viruses.  The CDC ran the abominable Tuskegee Experiments.

Today we have a mysterious virus attacking kids in USA, sending people with common colds to the hospital.  Panic!
Although there's been no confirmed cases of the enterovirus at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, officials admitted 540 patients Friday, said Dr. Derek Wheeler, associate chief of staff at the hospital.
Ebola in Africa, a disease for which we recently became the proud owners via out patent regime, is exploding in Africa.  Sick Americans are brought home, introducing the disease here, contrary to all medical protocols.  Human rights are out the window in Africa as panic spreads to include human rights violations.  WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!

Hugh Hewitt mentioned on his radio show today that Washington is beset with fears over the 9-11 anniversary coming up.  We destabilize Moslem regimes no threat to us.  We overturn democratic elections. We train extremists.  We fund extremists.  We arm extremists.  We bomb extremists.  The we announce our borders are porous.    What happens when you do all of that?  The Irish did more to England with less abuse from England.  No wonder they are nervous in DC.

But don't worry.  That horse is lame.

The US Surgeon General wears a flag officer's uniform (Navy is traditional, but is can be any branch).  The CDC and FDA and NIH are under the Surgeon General.  I am told FDA inspectors are now showing up at business inspections in military uniforms, with battle ribbons, etc.  The FDA has snipers.  They are notorious for unwarranted military style raids.  There is very strong evidence FDA employees poisoned Chilean grapes for political reasons, and today the FDA uses this event as a teachable moment for why the FDA is needed.  The case goes cold as it got clearer.

When people behave badly with power and there is no sanction, the culture changes in the organization.  This case is not cold, the evidence is well preserved, and the people in involved well documented.  No one needs to go to jail, but a truth commission can reveal who did what.  Or off to jail if when the truth is out, those who failed to sing can go to Sing Sing.  We do this anyway, immunity from prosecution for testimony.

But as it is now, we have people who cannot be trusted, regulators who are owned by the regulated, who, if an when a PANIC breaks out over a virulent disease, will be ready to bring a military grade oppression to USA.  You see, in a health panic you are guilty until proven innocent, quarantined until proven healthy, suspected of ebola so sent to the ebola concentration camp, where you'll contract ebola.

Ready?  On three, everyone panic...  one...  two...

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