Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Is USA Destabilizing Hong Kong?

After utter failure in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, Libya, Afghanistan, etc, we now see another "color revolution" in Hong Kong, following a particular pattern.  The protests are led by students, and for those who do not recall, "taliban" is Pashto for "students' to go back to an earlier USA effort that we fostered and turned on.
A student protest in Hong Kong has finished its first week, taking on all the appearances of the numerous US-backed color revolutions that have unseated governments with which Washington has a beef from Georgia to Ukraine to Egypt and beyond. The protesters demand that existing portions of the Basic Law agreed upon when Hong Kong was handed back to China from former British imperial control be changed to allow sooner direct election of the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Communists are great negotiators. By demanding one carefully set item is taken off the table, then the whole agreement is open to renegotiation.   Think you can handle ChiCom negotiators?

USA loses ambassadors to hard guys who watch with boredom until it gets interesting and then they do what needs to be done.  Nothing USA can do to help you when that happens.

The PLA garrison is full of lads who despise you, they from villages with nothing and you with all the luxury in the world.  The Ohio National Guard farm boys at Kent State Ohio, the soldiers who shot and killed the students, all had the same general point: how dare these privileged kids protest anything?

Which brings us to Gandhi.  You want change?  Don't sell out to yet another rogue USA agent trying to get a feather in his cap. Give something up.  Fast.  Wear black, do something good.  Show people you understand the only change starts with the people who want change.  Otherwise it is clear you do not want change, you only want to be in charge.  And then people will ask, why you?

And to the powers that be in USA, instead of bringing death, poverty, misery, disease to yet another place on earth, how about instead studying what we can learn from our fraternal effort in Hong Kong at peace and prosperity, they who have surpassed USA on every measure.  How about we all take a breath, study the Hong Kong incorporation papers, and read the relationship with the ChiComs.  Instead of millions of pages of rules, which is bring down USA, note how simple adults can make a comity instead of a polity.

Instead of destabilizing other countries, we ought to consider our own policies:

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