Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Picking Winners and Loses: Let ExIm Bank Decide

Mendacity! The Exim Bank has the temerity to say:
This independent, self-sustaining agency of the U.S. government has the mission of helping large and small U.S companies have access to the financing they need to turn export opportunities into sales. It assumes credit and country risks that the private sector is unable or unwilling to accept.
If it is independent and self-sustaining, why does it need to be an agency of the US Government?  What nonsense!    In fact, it is what it has always been, a piggy bank for propping up corrupt elements in foreign regimes, and harming USA competitive businesses.
Transparency is not the strong point of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. The subsidy agency doesn't have the details of its most recent board meetings online — it only has the agendas, which list some of the deals the board considered, but doesn't name the exporters, the guaranteed lenders, or dollar amounts.
Just so.  Otherwise we'd know what was actually going on...  ExIm Bank is just one contribution to the destabilization which is leading to WWIII, but the fact we cannot end even this means we'll be in WWIII.  The problem is us.

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