Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Turn Down the Large Order

Of course, as a start-up, thieves will come a-calling and flatter you with a large order.  They intend to get you to ship but never pay you.  The dead give-away is the long discussion.  Real buyers are laconic.  If business takes more than a few minutes to discuss and effect prepayment, you are either being ripped off or the buyer is not worth favoring with your business.

With the MOQ FOB, keep drawing anyone proposing to buy back to the offer.  When they attempt to divert you with visions of sugarplums, you say:

Dear Ms. Buyer,

Ms. Client much esteems your inquiries, and has asked me assist her in this exceptional case.

We have studied YOURBIZ and its admirable success, and are keen to work with you.  Here are two important facts we keep in mind.

1. The end-result, the taste, of our products is superior to all others in the market, resulting in solid reorder business.  

2. We are currently the right size to grow successfully into the USA market.

What you propose initially is what would be a very large test of our product in your market.  We would have to organize around this opportunity, possible to the detriment of our USA efforts, at least for a while.  If your large test did not yield happy results, then we have really gained nothing.  If this concern is unclear, please let us know so we can make this clear.

Having said that, we urge you to order the MOQ FOB, and test it in a few key stores, and then work up a tentative "roll-out" order.  Based on actual sales in your market, we could then warrant organizing around the opportunity you offer.

Further, this would be a solid basis upon which to discuss the exclusive arrangements under consideration.

We are keen in supporting your goals with all of the resources we may call on here in the USA, but we need some solid sales data upon which to proceed.

Please feel free to offer any concerns or questions.

May we have your order for the MOQ FOB, and begin a relationship in which your customers enjoy the best tasting (named) products?

We look for ward to your kind reply,


John Spiers

Sales is about making others hopes and dreams come true with your products.   Those real buyers have a modus operandi.  Scamsters do too. Let's trim the sails to meet the needs of the real players.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't the buyer pre-pay us before we ship the product? Wouldn't this avoid the scammers anyway?

John Wiley Spiers said...

Yes, the buyer prepays. But you see, once they want a large order, it is a non-starter for the reasons mentioned in the note. On the one hand we cannot support a huge order, on the other only scammers want to start with the huge order of a new product. So the fact they are stringing you out means you will inevitably be wasting your time. The more the scammer gets you to talk, the more likely they can scam you. A legit buyer will want to pay by LC for a big order. But not want a big order to start.... a scammer will ask for a big order to start, then require LC (reasonably) and then scam you easily via the LC. It's how it is done...

Anonymous said...

So we should have (1) buyers pre-pay and (2) use small orders to avoid scammers?

When we have an established relationship with a buyer, should we always keep using small orders (same small order size each time), but increase the frequency of orders, or do we eventually increase the order sizes? Also, I think you mentioned that just using the same small order size and just changing the order frequency can take care of currency fluctuations (so it's beneficial to just keep the orders small and just increase frequency regarding this matter)?

John Wiley Spiers said...

It is also a famous scam to do two or three small orders well and then come in with a huge order, and that is where the rip-off occurs. AS orders increase in frequency, get focussed on what market your customer has, and what you can learn. Being busy answering all inquiries sets you up for rip off, being disciplined about MOQ FOB take it or leave it reduces your work to only the legit.

Of course in time quantities will increase, becasue frequencies are too short of interval (say weekly!) but your participation grows also... int'l trade is all about relationships, and by the time it grows to that (say five years) you should well know your buyer.