Sunday, January 25, 2015

MOQ FOB & Resources

An aspect of the MOQ FOB is resource-preservation.  One reason to avoid Alibaba in all circumstances is the astonishing waste of resources necessary to play on that field.

Listen to this fellow at a food show, 28 seconds in...

Exactly!  Metzger, the fellow talking, has been around the block.  I've never met him (I don't think) but he says exactly what I say...  maybe one in a hundred "trade leads" becomes a customer.  (On alibaba, I'd bet more like one in 1000...) The trick is at these shows, filter out the 99 non-customers, and get to the real buyers.

And with what?  The MOQ FOB.  Cocal Cola was locked in marketing battles until they pulled ahead of everyone by introducing the six-pack, when all others had a minimum of 24 pack.  Testing and reorders led the way.

Small is beautiful.

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