Tuesday, February 24, 2015

An Alternative Model to "Intellectual" "Property" "Rights"

The internet has only lowered the cost and widened access to information, which is profound in its own right, but people rather believe an alternative, that it makes selling lower cost.  Nonsense.

But IPR ( "Intellectual" "Property" "Rights") is all about control in the absence of quick information, thus the trade mark.  But quick verification by traceability trumps trade mark.

IBM is the # 1 patent holder in USA, and they are busy open-sourcing their patents, for there is far more money in consulting on ideas than controlling ideas.

Since Apple follows copyright law, few people yet understand what Jobs did: he owned the best delivery of music download, not the music.  Copyrights are pointless, but go ahead, complement peoples' ignorance.  It costs too much to explain how you are helping.  Just help.  Let them believe what they want.

Now comes this amazing and delightful invention.  Flow Hive Honey. They have raised $2.5 million of their $70,000 goal, a 3,600% oversubscription on indiegogo.

So note this point:
MANUFACTURING: We are working closely with a manufacturer who has been able to produce our Flow frames at a high quality so we have already resolved some of the manufacturing challenges. However to produce on a larger scale will require increased tooling and production equipment and this is where some delay could occur.
Instead of having one ("a") manufacturer, why not have the specs loaded up on the website for any and all manufacturers in the world to produce this?  Open source it.

Next, for some nominal voluntary fee, say $20 per hive, the manufacturers get two benefits:

1. Qualification to use the Flow Hive Honey label on each hive the manufacturer makes, with the QR traceability code. That code rings in at Flow Hive Honey HQ website so Flow Hive Honey may verify the hive being bought is a qualified hive.

2. Since all manufacturers all over the world will be reporting feedback on design, logistics, use and so on, all factors leading to redesign, then Flow Hive Honey will be the collect and distribute central for all innovation on the newest models making that $20 fee above extremely valuable.

Then, instead of a model in which producers are mired into rent-seeking lawsuits ad nauseum, the owners instead visit all over the world verifying and QCing individual producers to spec, or training a team to do so.  No shortage of young engineers who would travel the world at expenses plus to verify production QC.  Good experience right out of school, or summer intern work.

Exactly what the fee should be ($20) would be subject to trial and error, or price discovery, a talent lost since two generations of entrepreneurs were wasted by FIRE (finance, investment, real estate) false economy.  Time to relearn this free market skill.

Part of the recovery of free markets will be to delegitimize "Intellectual" "Property" "Rights" making them unenforceable, so we can have peace, prosperity and economic justice, instead of violence-backed capitalism.

And since capitalism is based on usury, an essentially violent act, all capitalism is imbued with violence.
Time to move on from that model, especially since it has failed anyway.  Let the dead bury the dead.

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