Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Powerpoint Rangers

Apple developed PowerPoint and dropped it as a net negative in the world of communication.  Naturally, Microsoft snapped it up.

I recall reading probably 20 years ago mid-level military officers were abandoning their career in droves and the most common reason cited was powerpoint.  I wish I could find that citation.  Apparently days full of meetings watching powerpoint presentations drove people away.

Now comes this, powerpoint is so hated it drives officers to dereliction of duty, or refusal to follow orders.
Similar issues occur when reporting the maintenance and accountability of equipment, the completion of evaluation reports for lower-ranking officers, and even combat situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the professors found. Junior leaders were required to develop a PowerPoint narrative of events in a unit while deployed, and avoided doing so, one senior officer told Wong and Gerras.
“Every contact with the enemy required a storyboard,” the senior officer said, according to the paper. “People did not report enemy contact because they knew the storyboard was useless and they didn’t want to go through the hassle.”
I have an MA in education, and when I first encountered Powerpoint, I arrived at the same conclusion Apple did: powerpoint is not a legitimate educational technology.  There is no pedagogy supporting it. It is distraction for content-free meetings.

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