Thursday, February 5, 2015

China and Frankenfoods

This suggests a huge opportunity for USA organics...
Compared with the United States and many South American countries that have freely adopted GM technologies, China has shown a marked reluctance to do so.
Though there is no evidence that GM crops harm human health or the environment and most Chinese know little about these technologies, they seem overwhelmingly to regard them with great suspicion.
Many of the most outspoken critics in the country are celebrities, such as national TV presenter Cui Yongyuan, and their high profiles have helped the campaign against GM organisms gain strong support.
However, in a speech to the Central Rural Work Conference last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping suggested that genetically modified organisms will finally be accepted in China and the technology should be allowed to develop in the country so long as the right caution is exercised.
This is complicated:

1.  I am a life member of a organic food co-op, whose management had people sitting on the federal committees for 40 years setting organic standards, only to watch, defat after defeat, the terms become meaningless as defined by the hegemon.  Well, I could have told you that 40 years ago.  So now, organic must be defined by the producer (anarchy again) and substantiated with transparency and traceability.  Happily both cost near nothing now.

2. The reports noted above claim no evidence of GMO harm to humans.    Right, we've seen this before in USA.  The evidence is plentiful, but suppressed.

3. The Chinese consumer remains skeptical, but like USA, if it is plentiful and unmarked, it will proliferate among the masses.  The skeptical with money will prefer proven wholesome food form USA.

The big threat to USA exports of food to China in the gross was one of two things: outlawing GMO or import substitution.    China is, I believe, accepting GMO now in anticipation of import substitution.  So, in the gross, exports from USA will be diminished, but that category of specialty food will be all the more in demand.

We'll see....

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