Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Get Customers First

If you have a product, but no customers, you do not have a business.  If you have a product, but no customers, then you have only created problems for yourself.

Get customers first.  The create the product (or service.)

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Unknown said...

Going off an article you posted regarding Mr. Shvartsman and the patio furniture retail/wholesale business he launched, he became a sales force pushing his inventory into stores once his products arrived. By customers, do you mean an actual order or could customers be interpreted as having identified a need and a lack of supply for your product in the market?

Quoted from the nytimes article is below

"When his first four containers of outdoor furniture arrived from China, Mr. Shvartsman became a one-man sales force."

John Wiley Spiers said...

Now, when I say customers, I mean people buying form you on a regular basis, never a potential.