Thursday, March 5, 2015

One Man Fruit Import Export Company

This from Holland:
According to Coert, there is definitely room in the fruit import sector for 'one man enterprises', "I try to earn money from each container. The big multinationals use me, for example, if they have pineapples that are not suitable for retail. I repackage the pineapples for them and then I keep an eye on them for future sales opportunities. I stay away from contracts with big retailers that have almost impossible delivery obligations, and there is still a large enough market left for me to do business with. You can earn a good living this way. However, I struggle with the fact that I have to pay out of my own pocket if I want to scan a container from a new shipper for drugs. That costs me 540 Euro. The government really needs to do something about that."
He needs to work out MOQ FOB... pre-sold pallet lots... note... he stays away from big buyers.  Any start up who envisions selling t big business is delusional.  A complete waste of time and money, if not ruination through fraud victimization.

Start up?  You envision selling to large buyers?  You will fail.

Sell to your customers, other small businesses.

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