Saturday, March 7, 2015

Russian Domestic Poultry Troubles

If true, this article lays out problems in the Russian poultry industry, because of, or in spite of, the embargoes USA has imposed on Russia after USA destabilized the Ukraine.
"In fact, bankruptcies of some inefficient and indebted businesses are possible due to limited access to bank credit and operating funds."As such, acquisitions of financially unstable businesses by fiscally stronger establishments are possible during 2015, resulting in continued consolidation of the industry."
This is the part that interests me.  Russians need to get away from capitalism, and get to free markets.  Here is an opportunity for micro-businesses to begin trading in eggs and chicken meet, raising chicks, etc, and extend non-interest bearing credit to their customers.  Of course there is going to be some dislocation in Russia, but all the more opportunity for new start-up.

I am reliably informed that gangsters make life hard for anyone who starts to make money, but the Russians, after cutting the tax rate the 13%, have formed a tougher group of gangster, the tax cops, to collect it.  Russians need rule of law to go with freedom, and none better than the non-aggression principle.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

"I am reliably informed that gangsters make life hard for anyone who starts to make money, but the Russians, after cutting the tax rate the 13%, have formed a tougher group of gangster, the tax cops, to collect it. Russians need rule of law to go with freedom, and none better than the non-aggression principle."

Wasn't it the IRS that finally got Al Capone in America?