Friday, March 6, 2015

Lumber Liquidators Controversy Enlightened

Those covering the Lumber Liquidators formaldehyde controversy are not being fair.
Richard Drury: The average level in Lumber Liquidators products that we found was over six to seven times above the state standard for formaldehyde. And we found some that were close to 20 times above the level that's allowed to be sold.
Two points:  the evidence gathered is not valid and reliable.  You need chain of custody, a valid test and a valid sample to establish fact.

Next, I can get Chinese manufacturers to say anything I want also, "You want to hear Lumber Liquidators no good, OK..."  This is within a total milieu where such actions are inconsequential, like if someone offered you the Brooklyn Bridge in USA.  No harm no foul.  But extremely useful anytime you want to secretly harm a USA company, by asking for info on false pretenses.

This Chinese find the overwhelmingly common duplicity on the part of Americans inscrutable.  No wonder they do not trust us, we are always so sneaky.

Now, having said that, it may very well be Lumber Liquidators has been up to no good, and indeed has ok'd the production of formaldehyde-rich flooring, and mis-identified as A-OK.  That happens too.

The way is possible is because we have hegemon (government) inspection (actually lack thereof) as part of the USA import process.  It is impossible to inspect importations on any statistically reliable means, and in any case means are not valid.  The fact that it is so easy to sneak crap in to USA makes it a great temptation.  The reason it is so easy is the market is delusional about government inspection.

Someone will get caught sometime sneaking crap in, but your own odds are extremely unlikely.  A Lumber Liquidator can certainly get away with this for years, if it wants.  Note how the US automakers got away with tires, and airbags and who knows what else for years.  You think it is all inspected, tested, etc.  Sheer nonsense.  The solution is to to eliminate all of the inspection functions of the hegemon.

Happily, there are still insurance companies who provide the necessary and sufficient QC check...  they do not want to pay out claims, and have their clients by the throat if any tries monkey business.  We can send everyone who inspects for the hegemon home, and suffer zero impact.  If we in fact cut taxes to pay for this theatre concomitantly, we shall see in exponential measure our economy recover.

Who believes news orgs?  They are notorious liars.  Brian Williams, much? They are all owned by big finance.  Why wouldn't they stage a fake report to clean up on short selling?  Short selling (not naked, but straight) is a service to the economy, but not when it is based on false reports planted on 60 Minutes. (We still don't know who massively shorted airline stocks leading up to 9-11. Secret.) According to Michael Lewis, it is all rigged.
Michael Lewis has explored the flaws of the financial market in a series of books. In his latest, “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt,” he details how he thinks Wall Street is rigged by high-frequency traders for their own gain.
Now, a more fundamental "fix' is in the bonds.  I have no love for "Lumber Liquidators" (LL), a better name would be lumber-yard liquidators.  Or flooring-shop-destroyer.  As the fastest growing flooring company, they use the same old usury-based bonds to misallocate credit their way and crush their small competition with low prices and volume due ZIRP financing.  Your mom does with less so the LL financers can "roll-up" and consolidate the industry.  Think Petco, Office Depot, Best Buy, Safeway, Lowes, ad nauseum.  To my mind these are all automatically criminal enterprises for their employment of the known destructive practice of engaging in usury, co-conspirators with banks.

So what if they cut a few percent off costs by selling a poisonous product, the country is going downhill from usury far before the cancer will develop.  Make a buck giving the customer what it wants, cheeep prices, good and hard.

There is no story here yet, but a whole lotta suspect motivations.

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