Monday, March 2, 2015

The Pope on Co-ops & Anti-fascism

You been reading about co-ops as a business structure here for years and now comes the Pope to recommend same.
 It was another lesson in the economic thought of Pope Francis. In an audience with members of the Confederazione Cooperative Italiane (confederation of Italian co-operatives) on Saturday, Pope Francis gave the 7,000 people present five practical suggestions for their mission in the context of the current “throwaway culture.”
And here is the organization to who he addressed his comments:

Note: It is in Italian, so I have rendered it by googletranslate.

Note what they say at the end:
The Confederazione Cooperative Italiane was first founded in 1919. It was suppressed by the Fascist Regime and re-established in 1945.
I've written quite a bit on fascism in USA, and anything to overcome fascism in USA we can use.

There is also Mondragon.  This coop things may catch on.

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