Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Writing Potential Suppliers to Represent

On Feb 26, 2015, at 8:00 PM, M R wrote:
So if I send the letter with the export data and they are already exporting I would be basically doing their homework and at the same won´t be needed as an export agent anyway as they are already exporting their products, so:

Wouldn´t be better to call those companies by phone in the first place and to pitch them in case the don´t export?
Send the letter anyway first then call them regardless if they reply or not  to my letter?
Call them, find if they are exporting or not, then send the letter and work from there?
Do everything by phone?
and last question:
Am I overthiking too much this? Seems like I have an OCS echoe as this is more simple than I make it to be...
***You shouldn't care if you get a yes or a no.  If you get a "yes, help us " ... then off you go with them!

If you get a "no, not interested in any exporting," then you know who will NOT be an export competitor....

And if you get a "no, we will do it ourselves..."

Then you use this info as one of your step five in the sales process, where you give the buyers the names of who your competitors are.  As they check in with your competitors, you share why you are better than the competitors.

Also, you add this info to your rolodex, in which you know everyone in the industry, and their inclinations, and watch them for opportunities.***


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