Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trade Show Exhibition Decision Tree

Trade show participation is crtitical to the growth of your company, but it can be expensive, or not.  Expensive:
Yes, exhibiting at trade shows can be costly: Troy Trice says a traditional 10-by 20-foot booth will run $15,000 to $20,000 -- and that booth expense typically is about one-third of an exhibitor's overall show outlay.Trice is a trade show guy, president of TradeTec Skyline, a Lombard exhibitor company. Travel and the exhibit floor space you rent are additional. Show marketing before, during and after the event -- including swag -- adds to the cost, too. 
Not expensive decision tree:


You see there are many options for getting exposure at a trade show before you ever have to fork over the big bucks.  It all depends on getting customers first.  Feel free to email me for a .pdf copy of this...

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