Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Man the Lifeboats!

You are right to fear deflation, for it will cause you grief commensurate to the degree you are tied into the false economy.  Have property, paycheck or pension?  Ouch!

On the other hand, if you are willing to maintain a sense of humor about kissing it all goodbye, there is an alternative awaiting, and that is self-employment.

A massive crash is coming, the world will seem to be coming apart at the seams, your savings and pensions will be gone, there will seem to be no where to put them, and it will seem that whatever you try to have will be stolen, so it will look bleak indeed.  Those who rediscover extending asset-backed usury-free credit to customers will recover first, and anonymously.  there will be no way for the powers that be to "see" your savings, because it will be diffusely spread in many small amounts among customers, and as it comes in it will be reinvested in growing the business.

To wit, massive central bank financial repression is the actual cause of deflation. In the boom phase of the expansion it leads to unsustainable public and private borrowing which finances artificial spending by households and governments and excess investment in private mining, processing, manufacturing, transportation and distribution capacity as well as public infrastructure. Then eventually comes the crack-up phase when the borrowing ends or diminishes, causing reductions in output, prices, profits and incomes throughout the economic chain.
Thus, Governor Zhou Xiaochuan’s threat to unleash more stimulus owing to the specter of “deflation” in China borders on the comical. The very deflation about which he frets was caused by the runaway money printing campaigns of the PBOC over the last several decades—-campaigns which produced monumental price and credit inflation in China, and which were then transmitted and amplified throughout the world economy, and especially China’s supply base in the EM

 Your business is your lifestyle, your income and your savings plan and your lifeboat.  As the powers that be find they can no longer manage the massive false economy they degenerated, they will find themselves beset as was the Soviet Union in 1990.  The worse it is for them, the better for small business renaissance, as part of the rebalancing.

Get your lifeboat built now.

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