Sunday, March 8, 2015

USA Bad Policy For China

If one disagrees with the policies of the powers that be of the USA for the USA, then naturally one would object to their policies for others.  Especially if they are hypocritical.

Trade policy arguments are staggeringly hypocritical, and I've covered that enough here.

Pollution control policy might be toward a god end, but the hypocrisy is today USA wants China to avoid the means to get rich that USA used to get rich: pollute, pollute, pollute.  to this day the USA is one of the worst polluters on the planet, but we will not test for the unseen concentrations of synthetic drugs urinated and untreatable flowing into our waterways.  No knowing what the harm is, and because it is big Pharm, we'll never know.  And as with big Ag, like cigarettes, it will take decades to see the science on GMO harm come to light.

And here we go again...  we want China to not use the means we used to excel:

In 1843 a copy of Charles Dickenss popular A ChristmasCarol was sold in England for the equivalent of $2.50, while American publishers sold it for $0.06 (Clark, 1960,
“Virtually every new book of consequence to appear in London before 1825 was reproduced immediately in Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and/or Boston, usually over several imprints...[and interestingly] the American printing community was peopled to a very large extent by immigrant Irish printers, than whom none could have found greater glee in turning out things English to their personal profit” (Kaser (1969, 17) quoted in Redmond (1990, 4)).

Sound familiar?  We were a much more vibrant, progressing country before we introduced state violence upon free trade.  China ought to reject USA conventions.  And progress.

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Anonymous said...

Patents and copyrights seem to have the opposite effect of what they were intended to do. I think they were intended to motivate inventors and writers to create, but also to spread knowledge. Rather than promoting the spread of ideas, they retard their dissemination it seems.