Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Iran Nuke Deal and Trade

The delusional among us are railing that the Rogue Obama has directed the useful idiot John Kerry to sell-out USA to Iran.  As if.  There was never any nuke threat anyway, it was all about the sanctions.  The sanctions are coming down.

John Kerry is Skull and Bones, in fact one of the powers that be.  We need some extrication from the mess and cost of our middle east disaster, so the Saudi's are saddling up and USA needs Iran's adult supervision over our out-of-hand terrorist orgs we foment (if not create, arm and finance).  If the Saudis prove inexpert at fighting the rag-tag Houthis, watch out below.

The deal with Iran is what we want, and "blame Obama" is the right narrative for the delusional in USA to cover the powers that be politically.  Foment divisions, blame the black guy.  USA! USA! USA!
Google Search Blame Obama  About 95,100,000 results Blame Bush About 4,720,000 results
Kevin sends in this article on the hopes arising among Iranians...  Tehran Hotels are full of westerners getting ins early while the getting is good.  I doubt there will be much in the way of oil and energy coming to USA from this detente, but I expect the Iranians to load up on USA goods and services, more as their economy begins to recover.

Iran is a rather orthodox Islamic Republic, and the USA is now offering good prices, and vendor financing on no-usury terms (zero interest rate.)  Expect Iran's products to start out inexpensive, but that will change.  USA has quite the pistachio crop, but you cannot beat Iran's quality and flavor.

LCL MOQ FOB is the right tactic to test out if there is market for your product in Iran.  With no track record to look at, it gets down to LCL MOQ FOB to search and learn what business is to be had there.

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