Thursday, April 23, 2015

Universal Compulsory Usury in USA

Up to 100 years ago, legends of Troy, Minoan culture, Agamenon, etc was all assumed to be ancient myth.  Then discoveries of the actual places began.  One of the most amazing was the Minoan culture on Crete.  It was far more advanced than expected and far earlier than assumed.

The discoveries were rich in archeological evidence, and stunning sophistication.  If only they could break the code of the written language the found.  There would be so much more to learn.

Finally, about 50 years ago, one fellow figured it out.  It was Greek, Linear B was the series, and what did the written record tell?

Tallies.  Inventories.  Who owed what to whom.  Who extended credit to others.  Here is another example of when natural disasters wipe out a culture, the archeologists find tallies.  When war or human folly cause disaster, they find gold and silver caches.

In peace and prosperity and economic justice the economy is based on people extending credit to each other, at no interest.  Disaster follows otherwise, as we see after a short 40 years of universal compulsory usury in USA.

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