Saturday, April 18, 2015

WalMart Shock-Shuts Five Major Units

The big question is why?  Credit deflation again?
Wal-Mart employees say they were completely blindsided by the news, having been notified only a couple hours before the stores closed at 7 p.m. Monday.
... Local officials and employees have questioned Wal-Mart's reasoning for the closures.According to ABC News, "no plumbing permits have been pulled in any of the five cities where the stores were suddenly closed for at least six months." The cities where locations were closed include: Brandon, Florida; Pico Rivera, California; Livingston, Texas; Midland, Texas; and Tulsa, Oklahoma.A city official in Pico Rivera confirmed to CBS Los Angeles that the city has not received any permit requests for building repairs.In Midland, Texas, where another store was closed, a city official told ABC News that his plumbing inspector was turned away when he visited the store and offered to help secure construction permits.
I bet he offered help!  Summer BBQs coming up and who's gonna pay for all that beer and beef?

I was remodelling a house once.  The contractor found a problematic violation.  He called the inspector and mentioned he had a problem.  The inspector mentioned he had some new windows he needed installed in his home.  The contractor said no problem.  My problem went away.  No money changed hands, but those building codes sure can be beneficial!

Cities grew entire shake-down divisions during the real estate boom to rip-off property owners who put up with this theft since EZ credit was cheap and plentiful and inflation assured they'd eventually get their money back.  The graft and kickbacks were legendary

But not any more.  Walmart just signalled all communities country-wide that will not make the pay-offs any more.  Those states will see tax revenue dive and unemployment insurance payouts shoot up with the shut-down of WalMarts.  Walmart seems to be playing various government agencies off each other.  Walmart will win.  Building inspectors will have to find productive work.

Now that every investment into which you place a dime will no longer inflate, no more of this write-off shakedown nonsense.

We can eliminate every building inspector in the country by simply allowing insurance to return to its original system, in which they set the codes for construction they would underwrite, and they made money by reducing loss faster than they cut premiums.  We know how to run a prosperous, peaceful, just economy, the question is can we get there?

Then those building inspectors might have productive work.

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