Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Did Steve Jobs Purposely Sabotage Apple?

If not the number one place, Steve Jobs certainly knocked someone out of the top ten entrepreneurs in history, including Jacob.  Adverbially challenged, Steve Jobs is known for think differently.

Steve Jobs was behind of some spectacular failures, largely unrecalled: Lisa, Next, Newton, the lateness of the laptop, Square to name the biggies.  But that is to be expected on the way to number one, which Apple reached under Jobs.

But look at the legacies of the other greats: Tesla, Edison, Hughes, Boeing, and great companies - General Motors, Boeing Airplanes, General Electric, IBM, McDonalds, all welfare queens that would fall faster than the Saigon government is USA life-support was curbed.

Would it not be more like Steve Jobs, unique among entrepreneurs, to wire in the end of his company, release all that pent-up talent to go out and build on what they learned, and leave only a memory instead a hoary old welfare queen (eventually) as his legacy?  Would he not prefer the zen nothingness to "GE - We Bring Good Things to Life"?  Would he not see Apple far more valuable gone than selling watches and iPointers?

I am sure Tim Cook is an excellent executive, if preoccupied, but he is no Steve Jobs.  But then no one is.  My theory is Jobs wired in the end of Apple and he picked Tim Cook, bless his heart, as just the man to do it.  No one tell Tim, he is doing a great job.

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