Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good News For Apparel Importers

Mish Shedlock has a graph that seems to show massive inflation and dropping demand for apparel in the USA, starting about Oct 2010.  If so, this is great news for anyone starting an apparel business, because those importers with fixed overhead and debt to service will find they cannot stay afloat under these circumstances.  Otherwise perfectly viable businesses will fail, creating a vacuum for new businesses, with lower overhead (your business) to come in and fill the void.  This will help prices drop, and we cannot have an economic recovery without massive falling in prices, wages, costs, taxes, etc.  Don't feel bad, plenty of people knew what was going on, so anyone failing had it coming.  They can start up from scratch, just like you are.

But there may be another interpretation of the graph, and that is, clothing importers are going up market.  The graph shows the price per M3 of fabric garments...  it does not show the quality of the fabric or the complexity of the construction.  I do not know the answer to this question, but one could find out by studying the HTS and NTDB trade data.

Either way, it is a good time to start up.