Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How To Scam In International Trade

Laws reveal weaknesses and our strengths are our weaknesses.  We have laws against theft because people tend to steal. The legal system that can lead to such spectacular results in USA has people Americans confident it is the only system that makes sense, and everyone would agree to it.

Since value is built-in to our system, so it is assumed, all that is left is to structure a deal, and once structured, people are legally obliged to perform.

The rest of the world works on value, not structure, and there is the heart of how to run a scam, especially on Americans, in international trade.

Price, product, place, promotion gets you burned in international trade.  Simply draw the American into discussions of the above, where they are confident, and then slowly compliment their conceits until you have them shipping on open account, or prepaying for goods.

The "con" in con artist is short for "confidence."  It is not the victim's confidence in the scammer that makes a scam work, but the confidence the victim has in himself.  And that is built up over time.  The longer the discussions before a sale, the more likely you are being scammed.

Never mind how to structure a deal in international trade, that is simple and fast.  Figure out first exactly what value you are providing.  The test that hypothesis with the demand for a prepaid order, a test order, to test that hypothesis.  It is either true or not.  This is determined within one discussion.

The MOQ FOB allows you to hypothesize your value and either get an order immediately, or an answer why not.  And then you can assess whether to proceed. It attracts the serious and repels the scammers.

Con artists know most people never complain about being ripped off because the victim feels so stupid. Don't be a victim.  The structure of the deal is secondary, rather unimportant.  It is knowing the value you provide that matters.  If you cannot state it, you cannot manage it, and you lose control of your business.  Expect to be picked off.

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