Saturday, April 9, 2016

How You Came to Be Eating Cat Food

When USA went off the gold standard (lite) in 1971, the banks began lending credit instead of money.  Most of the USA economy was based on usury-free credit at that time.  As I have noted before, all along the commerce and industry chain vendor financing at no interest drove the economy, with the fundamental loan being made by labor to industry.  

Since there was no rational limit as to how much bank credit can be lent, when we went off the gold standard (lite) it was only a matter of discovering at what price bank-credit-at-interest drew people away from private-credit-at-no-interest.  

Within a few years the powers that be ran interest rates from near zero when accounting for inflation up to 21%, studying each level and reactions.  They discovered the unremarkable: the educated, wealthy, rich people can be trapped at low rates, the poor at high rates. The next 25 years was a thorough enslavement, which can go on for 400 years.  Ask any ancient culture.

Volcker settled the credit markets and the banks moved their credit card facilities to states with no "usury" laws, and the banks began experimenting with rates up to 36%. People born after 1990 would not recognize 1970, indeed, would experience culture shock if they visited.

It really never matters what the credit interest rate was, or is, since the mal-credit costs nothing and represents no risk to the lender, and all rates do damage to the borrower and society, that is to say, benefit the lender, either slowly at low rates or quickly at high rates.   Indeed, even negative interest rates don't matter, since there are no assets behind the loans of credit being made.  Mere promises are going poof with negative interest rates, not assets lost.  Pensioners are eating cat food to live, no one's villa or yacht is at risk.

Neither the banks nor the automakers care if interest rates are zero for 72 months, people are making money on creating the instruments, who cares what the instruments say.  That mom has to eat Alpo so you get interest-free auto payments is not reflection on the automakers or the bankers, or for that matter capitalism (which is merely an idea), it is a reflection on you.

What are you going to do about it?  Well, there is nothing you can do about the damage done, just don't be a claimant on what the hegemon is offering by way of settlement.  And don't be like them.  Stop with the interest, regardless of the rate (and zero is not free).

You can only start your own business.  Nothing else will work.

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Friday, April 8, 2016

Loan Sharking in Malta

How civilized!

In the small country of Malta junkies borrow money, not steal, to finance their habits.  When they run afoul of the loan sharks, they can call in the charities to save them.  (Caritas is a Catholic charity.)
Caritas PRO, Marika Mizzi, said that there is a number of reasons for which one resorts to illegal money lending, the three most prevalent ones being drug problems, gambling addictions and poverty. Contrary to popular belief, said Ms Mizzi, people afflicted by drug problems do not steal to finance their habit, many times they end up borrowing money.
Read on to see how and when the charities meet with the loan sharks to sort out the problem.  Funny, odd.

Now Malta is a tiny, uber-Catholic island country.  What happens there or what people say does not matter much.  But this idea that the real problem behind the drug trade is the loan sharking seems rather quaint.

Until you read the world's foremost authority on the "deep state" talking about USA today.
Many ordinary people, in an extraordinary number of urban locations, are more governed in their daily lives by their debts to local drug traffickers than by their debts to the public state. They know that if they fail to pay their taxes, they face fines or even prison. But if they fail to meet a drug debt, someone, perhaps a loved one, may be killed.
Well,  this usury thing is worse than I thought.

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

World Trade Continues!

Do something!  Imports AND Exports are dropping!

Keep it in perspective....

I started in 1973....  it took a long time to get here, and it will a long time to get back to normal.

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Release 100% of the Panama Names

Whereas someone who knows Putin is among those revealed with a Panamanian account, David Camereon's dad has one.  Whereas USA press leads with Putin-guilty story, regarding Cameron it is "a private matter."  Oh.
His statement came in stark contrast to international media coverage of the “largest leak in offshore history.” Although neither Vladimir Putin nor any members of his family are directly mentioned in the papers, many mainstream media outlets chose the Russian president’s photo when breaking the story.
Another spin is this is how USA plans to chase hidden money into USA.  What is happening is a whole lotta more people now gonna hate USA.

Shouldn't I be pro-privacy?  Sure.  But what is in these accounts are not money, but tallies of credit with which malefactors absconded.  The credit is rarely legally acquired.  Further, I completely agree with the leftists who claim since the credit is government created to benefit the government, it belongs to the government.  Where this public money goes should be quite transparent.

I've often called for total immunity from prosecution for those who admit crimes before they get caught, or even if they get caught, if they fully confess.  USA often does this with such financial matters.  time to do it now.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Trillion in Shorts Teachers in REITs.

I came across an odd ad, encouraging teachers to invest their pension money into REITs.   While teacher's pensions are a formidable liability among the unfunded amounts out there, individual teachers have no say into what allocation their monthly contributions end up, although REITs may be one of them.  It's usually fairly well rated stuff, meaning it has gone underfunded too.

But REITs?  If there is a crash, the Real Estate in those Investment Trusts, especially the commercial kind which crashes far further than home kind, will get wiped out.  A REIT bets real estate prices cannot fall.  Well, if you bet that, then you bet there can be no recovery, because no real estate price crash no recovery.

Who is spending money telling teachers REITs are a good idea, or at least planting that in their heads?

Next the news is there is a trillion in short action out there, that is people betting the market crashes.  The hegemon don't like that....  people betting the damage will stop at some point.  If the short sellers are right, they clean up, if wrong, they get wiped out.
It started in August, when bearish investors sent bets against U.S. stocks above 4 percent of available shares for the first time in six years. They haven’t backed off since. By the end of February, the ratio climbed to 4.4 percent, the highest since 2008, according to exchange data compiled by Bloomberg. As of March 15, that level was 4.3 percent, equivalent to a short position just under $1 trillion.
There is something called a short squeeze, where prices get run up and the shorts get wiped out.  At a high level, this can be engineered.  We may see that, and if so, and awful lot of "market valuation" gets wiped out.  People ask "where did all the money go?"  It was never money, just credit.    The stock that was appraised at $100 in credit is now just appraised at $40 in credit.  Those who extended "lost" $60 in credit simple have $60 less in credit to call on access to goods and services.  That is a difference between marking to market in money (gold and silver) and credit (whimsical thoughts.)

Now, back to the teachers.  Wiping out the credit of certain groups as opposed to others can be done with financial engineering.  Load up the teachers' pensions with REITs, and then crash the REITs.  The obligations of those who made essentially promises to the teachers in the form of REITs are now gone. The teachers get nothing, those who owed them are no longer obligated.  The stock market spoke.  (And they call capitalism the free market!)

If you are unemployed, it is a depression going on.  If you are over 21 working at Starbucks, there is a depression going on.  Starbucks is the 21st century fast food joint, and when I was a kid people began in fast food at 15 but were in real jobs after a fast food job paid their way through college, on to a real job.  Hegemon credit destroyed all that.

This depression is engineered, and it seems to me those people I am reading who say this mess will be long term, drawn out make sense, especially since they can move the pieces around and pick off groups to eliminate the unfunded liability, the debt that ultimately is assigned to the hegemon.  The hegemon still has a long way to go on raising taxes, even though we now pay more in taxes than on food, clothing and housing combined.

Pick off the teachers, to whom will they complain?  Wall Street Hillary?  Wall Street Cruz?  To be sure if they do not do something about Trump, he might improve things, but no ONE can fix out economic mess.  Even if all 435 congressmen and 100 senators and a president a supreme court were on the same page on a program, there is no way so few people could come up with a program that addressed the complexity of the problems, and should they ever come up with a "program" they all agreed on, well, in that case, the USA people are no different than the German people.  Heil Hillary!

It ain't Trump or anyone else who will matter.  What will matter is that you stand aside, like the Amish have done for most of this country's history, and let the greedy and the aggrieved slaughter each other while they go about plying their trades.

Ply a trade.  Learn to fix things.  Anecdotally, in dire circumstances 2/5 retailers are in 2nd hand goods...  or make 40% of your retail inventory used, alongside the new.  I see more and more Goodwill shops opening up in swanky neighborhoods, and they are packed.  They know something.  (Trouble ahead: as charities they compete with for-profit businesses without the tax burden, unfair.)

Get a business, any business going.  The anabaptists were inner-city tradesmen before they migrated out and turned to farming.  Now that farming is getting harder to turn a profit (for land prices, again!) they are returning to manufacturing.

Importing is a means of manufacturing start-up without having to invest in the means of production, you begin with excess production capacity overseas.  Do that, in fact I also teach it, see on the upper left of this web page.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What Happened to Hointer?

Driving past the Hointer retail store it looked closed down.  I gave it no marks when it first opened, so I went to their website to see what's up.  You'd think the CEO ran Amazon for all the PR and speaking engagements she has.  You'd think the website would mention where the store is located if they keep mentioning a store.

But they are pushing consulting now, based on their own "popular Seattle store."

At least they are doing it right, now, that is testing with pilot projects and studying.  I wonder though, if they know how to control for variables, or are cold blooded enough to admit past mistakes.  If they knew how to design a valid study, and test reliability, they would have done that first, without blowing 5-10 million.

Maybe now they do.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Punishment Clauses Cannot Be Enforced

Murray Rothbard with others in the Austrian School has worked out an extensive theory in anarchy of insurance companies and contractual law replacing our system of courts and juries, that is to say parties voluntarily agree to submit to arbitration, in essence, paid for by the disputants.  Judges work like carpenters, get paid when they get hired.  Contracts decide what the punishments for noncompliance will be.

I've never liked this line of thought when it gets into police protection, as it has competing police agencies vying for your business.  We've had that. It ends up in feudalism.  Before I state what I prefer,

English Law is common law so it should be given some weight in indicating how the real world would work sans hegemon.  Punishment for noncompliance cannot be enforced in English contracts.

 The true test was described as follows: “Whether the impugned provision is a secondary obligation which imposes a detriment on the contract-breaker out of all proportion to any legitimate interest of the innocent party in the enforcement of the primary obligation. The innocent party can have no proper interest in simply punishing the defaulter. His interest is in performance or in some appropriate alternative to performance.” Cavendish Square Holding BV v Makdessi [2015]. 

I prefer the Anabaptist's view on the social contract, nonperformance is punished in the measure you are shunned by society for your infraction.  No courts, no judges to replace community and relationships.  It works well for them.

It not only works well for them, we have a well developed system of international law called Lex Mercatoria, which is private law.  If summoned you can ignore, but you run the risk of chandlers refusing to provision your ship at the next port.

We have proven and viable systems of self-governance, and indeed we are largely self-governed, but we prefer by and large to be oppressed.  Anarchy works, but we do not want to work, defend ourselves, or think it through.  No faith. The hegemon knows this.

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Mish Makes Big Data Mistake

Mish has a chart showing the increase of the min wage laws in California going back to the 1910s, over 100 years.  His chart picks one date in Aug of 1971 as an example, which shows the minimum wage of $1.65 an hour.  Ooooops.

That is exactly what I was making working in a hospital kitchen on that date.  That is to say, his chart is not adjusted for inflation, rendering it meaningless.  According to the Feds a $1.65/hour then is like 9.66/hour today.  There is no doubt wages have slipped.

Now I am an adamant opponent of minimum wage laws, which are designed to keep women and minorities impoverished.

The real problem is that malcredit so distorted the market USA manufacturing was gutted and then China stepped in to keep the capitalist game going.

Today's minimum wage laws are entirely driven by government workers, the house unions, whose wages are tied to "minimum wage plus."  Well, with a 50% increase in min wage that plus becomes exponential.  But the joke will ultimately be on them when the taxes are raised to sop up that windfall.

But back ti the point - minimum wage will not solve the original problem, just make the next phase more complex.

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