Friday, January 13, 2017

QR Code Update: Even the Dead Can Use Them

In reply to a post yesterday on QR codes, a past participant in my seminars who trades gravemarkers emailed me this note...

On Jan 12, 2017, at 8:06 AM, LR wrote:
HI John,
Hope your new year is going good.  I read your blog every day ...  Several monument companies have jumped on the QR code idea without much success.  They give the QR code and charge a lifetime charge for the website but my customers just are not buying into the idea,  The last one I did I have a company make a QR code that liked to a Facebook site and the customer liked that and cost was only $45.00 for a QR reader.  Who knows how it will all go in the future.

You'd think people would be dying to have a QR code on a gravestone.  (hahaha... what a wag am I!) So you can LIKE the dead guy on Facebook?  Does a dead guy care what we think? Well, who cares, if it is what he wants.

This is a main reason for teaching, the things you hear about...

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