Saturday, May 17, 2014

Amazon Wholesale

It is no secret Amazon has not, does not, make any money retailing online.  Not that they make just a little, but that they take a loss there.  Always have, probably always will, unless they can get all of their "stores" people to take a loss and then can shut down their own online retail sales operation.    If the people who take my classes are any indication, people still believe B2C online sales is a viable business model.

Given that online B2C is not a viable model, step back and reflect how much of a false economy all the website development, telecommunications infrastructure and finance of the above, and more, is going on.  Happily, online sales is less than 6% of USA retail, so the fantasy is not as damaging as people might believe.  The same people who believe B2C online is viable believe online to be 50% or higher of retail sales.  So we are all lucky they are doubly wrong.

What false economy?  People go to work, get paid, things get sold, sushi gets eaten after work, vacations taken, doctors paid.  What is so false?

There is no money there, it is all debt-based sans assets, or equity based and overvalued.  Recall the big "mark to market" question in the 2008 crash?  The rating agencies and home appraisers simply did what they were told, and assets were wildly overpriced.  And loans made based on the value of those assets.  In essence, the question was do we adjust now, or kick the can down the road?  We kicked the can.  To what degree is our accounting based on assets, and to what degree are the assets marked to market?

In 1984, the word went out that the previous decade banks had been making loans under the standby letter of credit facility, legally both off balance sheet and no rational limit, and picking up interest and fees for nothing.  With corporations making their own financial arrangements, the banks found they could price loans bigger and cheaper, and with no asset reserve required, very profitably.  "Be careful!" said the regulators.  But noted at the time, in the previous decade, uncle sam always bailed out anyone in trouble.  Immediately there was trouble, uncle sam bailed out, so between 1984 and 2008 the problems got progressively worse, bailouts progressively bigger, and there is no rational limit to how big a bubble can be blown.  There is only the unknowable bust, which will come some time.  The smart people who spotted the previous ones since 1984 say we'll have another, this year.  Whether it is the last, who knows?

And I cannot pass up an opportunity to point out the "debt financing" aspect, called criminal in every religion, has never been so leveraged: usury (interest) on asset-less credit.  Wow!  As an example of no rational limit, in two months Amazon will be twenty years old, Amazon projects another ho-hum half-billion dollar loss next quarter.  And its price is about $300 a share. And its PE is nearly 500, meaning it will take you about 500 years to recover your investment.  This is prima facie madness, and people write whole books explaining why it is good, in essence capitalism.  But one key factor blowing that bubble up is inflated wages are protected from heavy taxes by sheltering the money in plans that are limited in what they may invest, like AMZN.  To what degree is it all Enron stock...?  we'll find out soon enough.

Sure, having tallies that read you are "worth" $28 bil is nice, but one does want to turn a profit.  And Amazon does turn a profit in some categories, with its server farms, hosting, logistics, advertising and contract computing, but not selling things.  So Bezos keeps looking to make money by selling things.

Next, AmazonWholesale.  Forbes has an article in a 26 May special issue (with the word trillion on the cover - for the last year or so billion and trillion appear on every cover...) in which they note that retail in USA is a $4 trillion dollar industry, but wholesale is $7.2 trillion in sales.

Amazons target: of USA's 35,000 distributors, almost all are regional, family owned businesses making $50 million or less.  That is a whole lotta businesses.  Think B2B toner cartridges, rubber gloves, sch 40 stainless steel pipe, shipping materials,  body piercing shop tongue barbells, chemicals and so on.  Everything B2B.

 I know people who act as a broker with a website, having goods drop shipped, who swear they do well by this, that is, say set up a website for micrometers, and beat Fluke at service and price on micrometers by being able to run into Fluke and buy and ship one faster than Fluke can.  So why do they come to me?  No money in it, and they need to scale up.  But it cannot be replicated by one person.  Amazon can, and apparently will.

So far Amazon has been at this about 9 years and has some 2.2 million items at amazon wholesale, but big regional distributors may stock 50,000 items.  And Amazon has the long tail advantage, and that is Amazon can stock the one time a year sale item no one else can.

One consultant to the distribution industry advises clients to become 3rd party supplies to Amazon.  Exactly right.  Take the ride.  But not everyone will step aside for Amazon.

If you have been listening to the radio, you have heard ads for Grainger.  "Get it? Got it? Good."  Every customer of every wholesale distributor can relate to that attitude, "I need it now."  You've never heard of Grainger, but Amazon has.  The ads are brilliant.  I've sold to Amazon for over a decade and I have never spoken to a person.  The Grainger ad is a supplier talking your language.  This is a titanic match-up.  Which will be the iceberg?

B2B is very different than B2C.  But if we go back to the world just before the internet, circa 1985, both B2B and B2C had catalogs from which people ordered.  In B2C, it was at its height about 8% of all retail sales.  In B2B, it was closer to 100% had a catalog.  The catalog was the thing, that paper book mailed out each month or quarter to the customer list, and salespeople carried to leave behind after a call.   Back in the day there was the telephone, yellow pages and the catalog. To keep a clear head marketing today, one must keep in mind that model, because the catalog is still king in real economies.  School continuing ed programs still mail them out, wholesale supply houses still send them out, grocery stores.

What confuses people is they believe the internet is something new.  It is not.  It is merely the telephone, yellow pages and catalog all rolled into one.  At B2B, I still go to the paper catalog to page back and forth to figure out which option is best for me.  The internet is not so good for that.  People consult the B2B catalog, and then place the order on the net.  It's not the net that got the sale, any more than the telephone got the sale 30 years ago.

Now, I am not enough of a sample to indicate anything, and neither Amazon nor Grainger has begun to  fight it out.

Amazon disrupted bookselling, an industry that was horribly disabled by progressives during the depression, and has not yet recovered.  Amazon has done great things for anyone who has books for sale, and crushed the welfare queens, gate guards and their sinecures that kept media in USA in lockdown.  But bookselling was unique.    And the brick and mortar bookstore is making a comeback, as the industry practices reform themselves to a rational model.

The number one tech company in the world, Apple, has brick and mortar stores, and is building new ones every day.

Here is the problem: false economy. Because we protect in our patterns a practices under capitalism lending asset-less credit at usury, there is no rational limit to how far an Amazon can go.  They can lose money forever, theoretically, while they wipe out the 50,000 B2B wholesalers.  (Here we go again, get big or get out, the USA govt imperative.) Aside from destroying 50,000 businesses, and turning the independent owners into employees, we end out with too much in too few hands.  We see it in food, medicine, housing, banking, clothing, furnishings, transportation... on and on.

We keep getting told capitalism is about the profit motive, about competitive advantage, and more better cheaper faster as clever people disrupt markets, creative destructionism.  No it is not.  It is about the ability to take losses until you wipe out just about everyone in a category, and collective industries on the Soviet model.    We supported the destruction of the Russian economy and building the Soviet ecoom through the ExIm Bank, and what goes around comes around, and now we do it to ourselves.

Amazon has built the infrastructure to handle Christmas cyber Monday "426 items per second to 185 countries"  What if that goes down, due to hack or solar flare.  What happens when a MERS case shows up in a crowded hospital waiting room, or when anyone has to spend time in hospital, where MRSA awaits?  Or when a disease wipes out piglets nationwide for the bigness of our industry?

Twenty years in and still losing money, financed by debt, if Amazon was going to make money it would have done so by now.  But there is no rational limit to lending credit.  Enough people's tallies keep growing to keep the system alive, what with economic power, ephemeral as it is, supported by those very tallies.  There is no rational limit, but there is an end to it, sometime.

When it does, where will we be?  What will be the array of skillsets available, and for the work of recovery necessary?  Will the schools that are now turning java coders into roofers and roofers into java coders have any better idea then what to teach?  When the banking system too big to fails fails commensurate with its bigness, and there is no credit, will anyone know how those 50,000 regional wholesalers once extended credit based on assets and worthiness tests?  When all those roofers are unemployed in spite of leaky roofs for want of roofing material, due to Amazon going down, how will we get out of that?  (Well, war.  Command economy.  Works every time.)

Get a business going, any business.  It is the most revolutionary act you can perform, plus, there is no prepping like being able to serve others.  Your savings and pensions aren't yours, and your gold and silver will only get you robbed.  Learn to trade.

Mamet produced a movie on con artists, and it makes two points - the confidence artist must stay in character, and the confidence does not reside in the perpetrator, but must be formed in the mark.  House of Games. Once the mark is confident in the scam being run, there is no risk of the scam failing.

Just as Author Yang could not make the connection between his father starving to death and maoist economic policies, so very few will understand how USA economic policies are the cause of their poverty.  Just as in China, we march forward producing ever less as we are promised ever more.  We waste ever more as we enjoy ever less.  Real production is skimmed off for the very few, as everyone else gets less and less. But like Maoism, we have the best system ever!

Are you betting on that?

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Exporting Food As A Small Business

Next Tuesday you can begin to build a small business in the international trade of food by taking an online course I offer.  I've added a mid-quarter section so expect fewer people than normal, plus you will have an afternoon and evening option for the class, which runs four Tuesdays.

Expect about two hours per week for the four weeks "time on task" outside of the hour weekly live session.  Join a cohort of past participants who have after-course follow-up as they proceed.

For more information, view here...

To enroll, visit here

You will go straight at the customer with a view to be selling at trade shows this year.  Join us now!

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Honor Labor: $15 An Hour Minimum Wage

If you were raised in Washington State, when you think of unions, your first reaction is Honor Labor.

There were walk-outs and strikes this week around the USA for a $15 an hour minimum wage.  Just as the republicans use war on people brown or darker to win elections, the democrats are going after small businesses.  $15 an hour will wipe out the small businesses in USA, and the WalMarts of the world will simply get a tax credit of some sort to make up the difference.  This is the get big or get out imperative of USA economic policy.

The Labor Movement was once in essence an anti-fascist movement.  With capitalism comes usury and aggregation of money and power to ever fewer people, who maintain control by amalgamating ever bigger business and ever bigger government into one, the definition of fascism.  Labor put a check on that.  Jimmy Hoffa was the last of the anti-fascist labor leaders, and when we went off the quasi-gold standard, he got in the way of a tidal wave of fascist potential.  First prison, and when he did not learn his lesson - Whack!  Welcome to USA.

When we had a real labor movement, mayors and governors and presidents greenlighted thugs to crack heads on labor organizers and strikers.  What does it tell you when today those politicians embrace the $15 an hour initiative?  So now we are treated to a labor movement populated by hirelings of big biz/big govt putting a halo on greasing the skids for more big biz, big govt and less small biz.

Like Author Yang who could not make the connection between his father starving to death and the communist policies, Americans cannot see the connection between the unemployment check they are receiving and the fact they are unemployed.  It is too easy to think you get the check because you are unemployed, when in fact you are unemployed because of the check.
The millions who are thus bought and paid for do not want any change. They are afraid of change. Mothers of six children cash their $180 stipend every month and go on a binge of department-store buying, movies, … candies, radio, and even sometimes a car. It’s amazing how much you can get in the way of luxury if you just do without the necessities.
Labor leaders once said things like this. They were anti-fascist.  Not a peep from labor anymore.  Fascism has triumphed in USA.  We need an anti-fascist labor movement again.

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Tombtone 3 - All Hail Communist Victory!

When I first went to Hong Kong in 1977, I sought out Laszlo LaDany, the doyen of the China watchers, and then subscribed to his fortnight newsletter, The China News Analysis.  From reading his work, I had no illusions about the Maoist China I was entering.  Having crossed the bridge at Lo Wu in Shenzhen, and been confronted with the disparity, I needed clarity.  Fr. LaDany was very often plagiarized, and all of the top intelligence agencies in the world subscribed to his letter.  He casually laid waste to useful idiots like Simone de Beauvoir, when she attacked him first.

I often praise Communist China for the simple reason I know what it is: a country under the control of the most powerful mafia in the history of mankind.  They don't pretend to be anything more than they are. When Chinese hucksters fake a government to sell building permits, of course I know the perps will be executed.  Personally I think that is a bit harsh. In USA we handle government malefaction usually with a slap on the wrist if anything. This is why so many governmetn workers rip off taxpayers.  There is no downside.

Mao was presented with a fellow who needed killing, but he demurred, since he had heretofore never executed a party secretary.  So it is in the USA.  But China is no longer under Mao.  And USA is under  the same "us-vs-them" of the Maoist era.  Down with the climate change deniers!

Today I praise Chinese achievements, for they are heading up as USA is heading down.  We are getting beat by communists.    Sure they are running the same scams as we are in USA on currency, etc, but they are playing the hand they are dealt extremely well. And people who recall starvation getting a downgrade vs a people whose concerns run to "gay" marriage, immigration and minimum wage (what people focusses on MINIMUM wage!?)   China actually cares if the people are unhappy, in the USA our government simply assigns snipers to the BLM.  As Stalin said, no man, no problem.

China is heading up.  USA has elected, election after election, to head down.  Out future is a Bush or a Clinton.  Both would rather rule in hell than be a shoe clerk in heaven.  And millions will agree, given that choice.

We need a Hong Kong in USA to inspire us, as it has China.

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Why the Indecency?

Neocon central advises the USA exploit Chinese anti-corruption efforts:
As the noose tightens, U.S. intelligence ought to make clear to those Chinese within the government elite that there are safe havens in the West—as long as they are willing to cooperate.
Why?  We don't have enough corrupt officials of our own?  Shouldn't we be outsourcing anti-corruption to the Chinese instead of welcoming corrupt Chinese officials?
This is clearly an elite worried about its future. U.S. intelligence is in a position to facilitate defectors’ enjoyment of their wealth in relative security. Or, should Langley want to play hardball, it could well be in a position, in certain cases, to increase the danger of those who might want to stay in China by threatening to reveal embarrassing bits of information publicly, such as how much lucre they have stashed away, and where they have hidden it.
Ah yes, the same crowd that wants to hang Snowden for his bravery and selflessness wants to give safe harbor to corrupt officials and their ill-gotten gains.  And why not, the Weekly Standard is the standard bearer for crony capitalism (I wax tautological!). War profiteering, anyone?

How about we do the decent thing for once and not meddle in another countries internal affairs?

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tombstone 2

Up to page 70...  It is eerie to review the great famine, probably the worst in history, and note how point by point, the situation is so much like the USA today.

The author's father starved to death due to government policy, but the author at the time could not make the connection between the two events.  Extremely few did.  Who in USA can see our warfare/welfare regime, with its "get big or get out" imperative is why we have constant wars and a prison industry, declining standard of living, etc.

Utter nonsense news.  From politics to economics to foreign affairs, both the left and right are reporting the most whimsical stories.

Completely out of touch "top people."  Our senator last August came back to the state and hurrumphed over congresses lack of action on a Farm Bill.  She thought it would be good politics.  She got reamed by every burned citizen and high tailed it back to the safety of DC.

A false economy.  We are working for the bankers.

Extreme violence on the victims.  BLM snipers targeting unarmed citizens?  (Wait, what?) Like the FBI did to Mrs Weaver, and like the FBI did to the women and kids at WACO, and like the Seattle Police do if you are "of color?"

Prosecution of deniers.  No peasant knew what right-deviationist meant, let alone cared.  But countless died for denying the existence thereof.  We have, what is the word?, climate change deniers who must be destroyed.

Of course it is not as bad in USA yet, but all of the elements are there, latent.

One point I will disagree. Amartya Sen is quoted as saying there are no famines in democracies, and Yang is saying democracy is the basis of good governance.  Both agree totalitarianism is the culprit.  But as the USDA orders up ever greater firepower in a democracy, we are learning democracies tend toward totalitarianism.

The powers that be know democracy has failed, and they are arming up.  The solution is freedom, but we'll need truth commissions to back us out of this dead-end.

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But Things Have Changed...

After becoming the good guys by winning WWII, we could call the shots, people were happy to have our leadership...
Washington’s power ultimately rests on the dollar as world reserve currency. This privilege, attained at Bretton Woods following World War 2, allows the US to pay its bills by issuing debt. The world currency role also gives the US the power to cut countries out of the international payments system and to impose sanctions.
But that is not the case today.  We destabilize countries like Nigeria (wherever oil and Muslims meet, the USA is there!), and we play fast and furious domestically and internationally.   One key player in the USA 2008 correction was the fraud perpetrated by USA rating agencies.  Those once were considered fair umpires of value, but once they gained government sponsorship they went bad.  So in this current contretemps with Russia, the rest of the world is taking the opportunity to come up with alternatives.
The Russian Finance Ministry believes moving away from international ratings agencies is just a question of time. Russia is eager to break the world monopoly of rating systems and create its own rating giants.
Yes, people are using alternatives to the USA more and more.  It was good while it lasted.  We need to bring our troops home, and give them some of the BLM land to farm.

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Jobs, Ford and Customer Research

Martin checks in with some choice quotes on customer research -

I just found this.

It also reminded me of the Henry Ford Quote ... "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."


The article misses a key point: we experience a problem, and then we try to buy the solution (test the idea).  This gives us necessary and sufficient customer feedback to go after one iteration: enough orders from customers to cover a suppliers minimum in a workable amount of time, profitably.

There is a difference between going to the customer for ideas and and testing your ideas on customers.

Apple had plenty of spectacular failures, Lisa the worst...  

I agree on focus groups being a bad idea because focus groups are not customers...  there is more than enough info coming back from customers to work on the next iteration...

if you are using focus groups, you either have bad communications internally or you do not like what you hear from the sales department.

There is enough feedback in the process to get the next step right.

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The Coming Election Revolution

A tea party candidate in my district enthuses
I'm genuinely excited to have an opponent, since that will ensure I'm invited to the candidate forums and have the opportunity to earn endorsements from the papers and candidate ratings from the Municipal League.
Oh.  More of the same. He desires an endorsement from a newspaper.
Positions: Educate to fuel economic growth and create jobs Demand accountability for performance Promote free markets & fair business practices Budget based on priorities of government Champion fiscal responsibility Defend constitutional rights & civil liberties
Well, which is it, free markets or "fair" (regulations) markets?  Nothing here any democrat or republican would not be proud of...

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Comcast Down

In spite of paying for premium service, comcast is down again.  Now if the email does not work, but the web does, I can go to Comcast's website to find out what is going on, or at least find out if ther is a problm.  You would thinkk so.  Impossible.  Vast layers of thick to keep you from finding out what is up.  Give up before finding out.  One would think there would be some advantafe to placing that info front and center.

Of course, taxpayer subsidized and regulated Comcast cannot care, but given their lack of concern others can step in make good... check this out...

Comcast problems

Although comcast refuses to inform their customers, downdetector will and offer ads inviting customers to switch.

I love the degree to which we have free markets...

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Oil Wars Are Not Just For the Bushes

Now progressive Joe Biden has a son who is head of legal affairs of the oil company in the Ukraine, which we in the USA recently destabilized.
The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.
Quote a talent the young Biden, having mastered the intricacies of Ukrainian law and no doubt the language.  I wonder if he can find the Ukraine on a map.

See, democrats can destabilize and take over a country without all that bloodshed, like those wascally wepubicans always need.  The world is better under democrats.


We are pushing too hard.  Emerson said the problem with democracy is it takes too few people to get us into a war.  Yes, soon we will see this again.

Update: the White House says they in no way endorsed or are involved with Hunter Biden's appointment to head up the legal depatment in the Ukraine's biggest oil company, a country which is experiencing a nazi take-over at the direction of USA AID and other government agencies, over oil woes.  The Neo-nazi Ukrainians who seized power after USA destabilzation are utterly unaware that the fellow with dazzling Ukrainian law and culture credentials just happens to be the Vice-presidents son.  You could have knocked over our Nazi designees with a feather.

The Bidens are making a move into the big time.  Just like the Prescott-Bush family, who had assets seized by Congres, several times, for trading with the Nazis during WWII.  Back then there were actually congressmen who did not like fascism.  Not anymore! Today all politicians must subscribe to fascism or they will not get elected.

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Get Big or Get Out Medicine

There is not a part of the USA economy that the progressives have not attacked with their get big or get out regime.  The chief target has been the food supply, for in USA governance "food is a weapon."

But people are working around the fascists.
Today concierge care patients represent 10 percent of Epiphany Health’s volume but they produce 50 percent of take home revenue. What’s good for the practice is also good for those concierge clients: the practice charges $80 monthly for an individual, $150 for two persons and $175 for a family of four. There are no Medicare-enrolled concierge care patients to avoid running afoul of complex federal mandates.
So it can be done, but we do need more people who are aware there is an alternative to "all problems can be solved by the government." Big job, that.

I recall in my youth many trips to the emergency room, which was usually deserted, because there were clinics every couple of blocks that anyone could visit with a malady.    Now we get collectivization and thus "collect and distribute disease."

Sick people waiting a typical long time for a docotor in a crowded US hospital picked up the uncurable MERS this week.  Hundreds were exposed.

We need to deregulate medicine so we can cure our economic ills.

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So Now Breitbart Misquotes the Pope

Breitbart cites the AP article which has no basis for the assertion that the Pope called for redistribution of wealth...
Now, it seems to Bannon, with Pope Francis, “every time Pope Francis comes out with another outrageous statement on income inequality the main response we get is ‘Oh it’s not the right translation.’”
At that is exactly right...  either left or right no one seems interested in reporting what was actually said, because both sides like their free ride.  This Pope is saying things people do not like, so they put words in his mouth that are objectionable, so you will dislike him too.  They front-run his good ideas they do not like with odious ideas you do not like.

Don't trust the media, left or right.  if you want to know what the Pope said, the Vatican has had a media arm longer than anyone.

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I am only through the introduction and the first eleven pages of Tombstone by Yang Yisheng, and the greatest famine in history, China, 1958-1962.  That it was a man-made famine is clear enough, but to read the thoughts and attitudes and self-delusion of the principal actors, plus the inability of victims to make the connection between policy and the dead people around them is astonishing to read.  The scary part is the Communist Party Line is identical to the USA party line today: Get big or get out.

I invite people to read along with me:

This is the English translation and the Chinese version is available as well.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Live In Person Start-up Seminar

For the greater Los Angeles area, there is an all-day live international trade small business start-up seminar held at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo June 28, 9-5 PM.  That is a Saturday, and making a weekend of it camping at Morrow Bay or up the road at Lime Kiln Beach, etc, and extra time in SLO can be a very fine time.

Here is a link to the registration page at CalPoly SLO.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Defining False Economy

To define false economy, first we must define economy.  It comes from the Greek, meaning managing a household.

Managing a household necessarily means commerce in the market as well, and that would be voluntary association. Food, beverages, clothing, household goods, medicine, education, doctors, you name it.

In the measure associations are not voluntary, the economy is false.  If you are obliged to buy insurances, or your supply of whatever is distorted by subsidy or regulation, each equally deleterious, the economy is false.

That every major bank, at the ned of every work day, goes to the FED for yet another bailout for poor management, is proof of false economy, and how fundamental ours is.

False economies show malinvestment, often in the of misallocation in what is not needed or over-investment, yet another Real Estate office.

The locus of our false economy is the FIRE component, Finance, Investment and Real Estate.  Assets are so ill-assessed that farmers cannot make any money on the one hand, but can sell their land for a fortune, and do so.  When your food supply is unprofitable, you have a very risky economy.

Our GMO corn is highly subsidized and is unsustainable as a business model.  Our good food demands only people who agree to be poor.  The false economy is very dangerous, and demands land redistribution.

What is out system for this?  In capitalism, there is no mechanism.

Mish doesn't mention false economy, but he elucidates it here....

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Suing Kickstarter Event

Washington State is steeped deeply in progressive politics, and since the goal of progressives is a sinecure for themselves, they naturally attack any innovation, out of fear it might impinge on their free ride for life.

For example, the Attorney General of the State of Washington is suing a Kickstarter participant because a dozen or so Washingtonians lost about $30 each.
The lawsuit alleges Edward Polchlopek III and his company, Nashville, Tenn-based Altius Management, in 2012 raised more than $25,000 from 810 people in order to print a deck of “retro-horror”-themed cards designed by a Serbian artist.
What a waste of resources.  One reason we need no attorney general is in the law anyone can become an attorney general and pursue such cases if they want.  But kickstarter is funding without loans, and without usury, and progressives can smell freedom arising and will stamp it out instantly.

The Seattle Times offers the usual incoherent coverage:
The move targets a relatively small fundraising effort. But it serves as a caveat emptor to potential donors amid the growing popularity of Kickstarter and other crowdfunding methods, which allow small businesses and individuals to raise cash from hundreds or thousands of backers to pursue a passion or a business project.
Caveat emptor?  How utterly uninformed.  In a free market, caveat emptor, "let the buyer beware" is the standard in deal making, that is the buyer is responsible for any loss.  To call rent-seeking by the attorney general a provision of caveat emptor is too twisted.

If we had caveat emptor, then people would do their own due diligence, and if they lost $30, they lost $30.  But now Bob Ferguson is using his office to deliver the goods to people who do not use good judgment.  Indeed, he is expending vast resources to assure good judgment atrophies under progressivism.
The suit seeks restitution of the cash, as well as fines up to $2,000 per backer for violations of the Consumer Protection Act, meaning the total could top $1.6 million.
So it gets even better:  now there is an incentive to chip in $30 to an obvious loser, betting that when it fails you can clear over ten times your money plus, compliments of the AGs office and at taxpayers expense.  Just think - Attorney General Ferguson will devoted millions in taxpayer resources so you can get back $30 plus.
Kickstarter’s website says 3 million people contributed $480 million last year to thousands of projects. Those included classrooms being built from shipping containers, a human-powered helicopter and the visit of two rappers to North Korea.
That is to say, it serves a voluntary market, something a State cannot abide, and in which they must interfere.  Like ride-sharing in Seattle.  Kill all small business and free market initiatives!  Sinecures must be preserved at all costs!  Never mind that the sinecures are unfunded and only a free market can generate what funding is needed.  Lockdown for lockdown's sake!
“Consumers need to be aware that crowdfunding is not without risk,” Ferguson said in a statement. “This lawsuit sends a clear message to people seeking the public’s money: Washington state will not tolerate crowdfunding theft.”
Go get 'em Bobby!  Sic 'em.  No Nashville scam artist is going to get away with $30 from a Washingtonian!  I feel safer already.
A spokesman for Kickstarter said the company wants “every backer to have an amazing experience, and we’re frustrated when they don’t. We hope this process brings resolution and clarity to the backers of this project.”
I was sorry to see this quote.  It implies they agree with the process the AG is pursuing.  I'd like to see:

"Let this be a lesson to everyone."

"Kickstarter is quite clear on what it provides.  Nothing more and nothing less."

"The Washington AG is doing what?!?!?!"

"Kickstarter is clear we are a caveat emptor crowdfunding facilitator.  This is an opportunity to remind those who participate they may not get their free $#!+. C'est la vie."

Something along those lines.

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Ancestrally African Bookstore

Now here is the problem -
"You can't deal with this bookstore without dealing with the bigger sickness," Brown said. "So, you can't deal with Marcus alone without looking at the conditions, the public policy that created the conditions for the black community to be torn asunder."
Is it that the City is against people ancestrally African, or against all small business?  If you are ancestrally African, the solution is to fight institutional racism, which means you turn to the institutions that are robbing of your livelihood, and appeal.

But the appeal misses the point: they are not against the ancestrally African, they are against small business.  They want the tallies that flow with valuations of the false economy industries, and the increase in the leverage increased valuations gives in bond underwriting, that is debt financing.

Since the appeal misses the point, it can be ignored.  And that is how come there is no progress under the progressives.  The can pass civil rights legislation, but they cannot hide the facts on the ground today.

Turning to republicans to escape the democrat's abuse is never the answer, for clearly it is just more of the same.

Divide and conquer.  With vast swathes are entrepreneurs under the impression their challenges are due to being ancestrally African, non-Ancestrally African entrepreneurs cannot join up in common cause  to fight the real enemy - fascism.  It's economics, not race, that is the problems.  The patterns and practices of capitalism, which necessarily requires aggregation of power to some and denial to others. Free markets are to be recommended.

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