Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cowards and Guns

Why do cowards shoot up universities, summer camps, post offices and Aurora Colorado (Columbine) type locations?  Because guns are outlawed or heavily restricted so they know they will not meet resistance.  A night a fellow shot up a bar in Alabama.  Easy pickins', no guns allowed.

I cannot change Canadian money into US without federal oversight.    We cannot buy a house or car without checking in with Homeland Security.  I get searched when I get on an airplane.  All of our emails and phone calls and blog posts are scanned by the feds.

But a guy somehow buys military rifles, shotguns, military smoke bombs, bullet proof vest, helmet, combat goggles,  black ops gear, bomb making material, all online, dyes his hair bright neon orange and hangs out online in "adult" sites is "under the radar?"  Are they kidding?

Perhaps if the FBI was not so busy working on entrapping stupid people and started pursuing smart criminals we might be safer.  But that will not happen.  Once Louis Freeh introduced framing people as FBI director, the FBI has not been able to give up that easy life.

When seconds count, the cops will be there in a few minutes. We are on our own.

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How To End Corporate Personhood

I saw a fellow taking down a sign he had been displaying over the freeway that said "Corporations are Not People."  As I understand it, it is the "money in politics" that corporations are free to spread around that has the left exercised.  And just so, corporations, like so much in USA, no longer bear much resemblance to their original purpose, such as a group of people pooling resources to build a bridge across a ravine and charge a toll to those who use it for the maintenance.  Today's corporations are literally calling he shots in politics and the economy.

A corporation is what they call in the law a "legal fiction."  It's just an idea, someone made up, and others have agreed to it.  The legal fiction is useful, and pleases enough people, to where it is integrated into the patterns and practices of our society.  Incorporation, or turning ideas on paper into a body (corpus, a human body) does not really make a person, that is a fiction.  The state is the entity that creates the corporation. Legally recognized, but a fiction nonetheless.

The corporation metamorphosed into the monster today by a series of permissions from courts and protections from the state.  Enough people have benefitted that it has become so.  To end this particular avenue of abuse will certainly be a good thing, but it will not stop the mischievous from getting together with the venal and abusing the rest of us.  The very people denied the avenue of the corporation to abuse us will simply find another avenue.  They found the last one.  They will find another one.

The problem is not this particular manifestation of collusion between the corporations and the state.  The problem is we have an even more destructive legal fiction: the state.

And state is a legal fiction in its own right.  They do not really exist, there is not really any such thing as the state of "France."  We can find the place on the map, we can go to a place where we will be standing within the lines on the map, and surely we will be told we are in "France" but it is just an idea that enough people, often enough agree about.  And when the idea changes, the map changes.  For example, what is "Mexico" changed when the USA invaded and took that legal fiction's land in an effort to spread slavery into new territories, and the Mexicans were defeated in the effort to stop the spread of slavery and defend slavery-free "Mexico."

To end corporate personhood, or more importantly, to end the leverage needed by the few to abuse the many, we must end the legal fiction of the state. The state creates corporations.  The state is the legal fiction to which mischief makers apply when they want their nefarious deeds protected.   So sure, get rid of corporate personhood.  But it will not solve the problem.

To solve the problem of people leveraging the power of the state to evil ends, we must withdraw our consent to be governed by the state.  We all love government for its benefits, the kind of government that comes from the spontaneous order out of chaos we call anarchy.  We love the government of our co-ops, our bookstores, our baseball games, none grounded in state Government. We love our volunteer firefighters and our arbitrators, none of which are state-provisioned.   If we withdraw our support from the legal fiction that is a State Government, we can end the power of the mischief makers, without any loss of good government.

This is not pipe-dream.  Almost all in our lives is governed voluntarily, almost nothing is under Government (as in state Government) quantitively.  And what is under Government qualitatively is unnecessary or if necessary, poorly provisioned and better provisioned by non-Government government.

Where Government is least, better government flowers.  And abuse finds purchase difficult.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Фильм "Елена" The Movie Elena

There is an excellent little film that the Russians put out which won a palm d'or at Cannes.  Everyone should see it, but be prepared for a meditation, not an entertainment.

The topic is Putin's new Russia, which of course is not so new.  The acting is extremely good, and everything looks exactly how life is in Russia.  The focus is on class conflict, a wide swathe of Russian population vs a very narrow group of wealthy.

The movie concentrates on a family of welfare-queen lay-abouts who want good things without lifting a finger, and the very well off retired businessman who thinks they ought to give life a try.   Mediating the two is a classic Russian Mother Hero.   There is much more to the movie, but as I watched those two sides characterized in this Russian movie, I was thinking the characters could be straight out of any welfare state.

I won't reveal the turning point in the movie, but sometimes I think I go too far in things I say in this blog, and then I come across the exact same point in a gold medal international film.  I am actually so behind the curve!

A father daughter dialogue in the middle of the movie is worth the price of admission by itself.  And the last scene, of a lay-about looking over the balcony at energetic lads playing soccer, I think people will miss.  The indecency of the extreme individualism of the welfare mindset vs the decency of the creative competition of the pick-up soccer game.  An excellent icon of the challenges we are all facing.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blame The Black Guy

The Bush administration had a policy of pushing food stamps on Mexican Americans.  Today the Drudge Report blames the 2004 program on Obama.  Somehow, Obama handlers set up a meeting, in spite f the world troubles, for Obama with Jerry Springer.  Obama HAS to know he is a patsy.

Let's check in on google returns:

Blame Bush  3.8 million hits.  8 years in office.

Blame Obama  133 million hits.  4 years in office.

And for those who do not like big government, Pres. Obama is the first president to keep govt growth in check.  Didn't know that, did you?  First President since Truman to keep the increase under 30%.  Obama has had a mere 15%.

It is all theatre.

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Vatican Gets Trade Policy Right

An encyclical is a letter a Pope circulates to bishops to teach on some point.  I am reading Pope Benedict XVI's most recent letter, and one section in particular is exceptionally good.  To wit:

58. The principle of subsidiarity must remain closely linked to the principle of solidarity and vice versa, since the former without the latter gives way to social privatism, while the latter without the former gives way to paternalist social assistance that is demeaning to those in need. 

***Nice point.  Separately you get either robber barons or national socialism.***

This general rule must also be taken broadly into consideration when addressing issues concerning international development aid. Such aid, whatever the donors' intentions, can sometimes lock people into a state of dependence and even foster situations of localized oppression and exploitation in the receiving country. 

***Sometimes?  I would like to see a single instance in the history of mankind in which foreign aid yielded a net benefit. One single instance.  But I suppose a Pope has to be circumspect.***

Economic aid, in order to be true to its purpose, must not pursue secondary objectives. 

***At that is precisely the reason why there is not a single instance of net benefit in history, because aid is never gratuitous.  Never is foreign aid without strings.***

It must be distributed with the involvement not only of the governments of receiving countries, but also local economic agents and the bearers of culture within civil society, including local Churches. 

***Fine sentiments, good advice, but by the time it gets to the local churches, if it gets to the local churches, the damage has been done.  Cut out the Governments, we might see some progress.***

Aid programmes must increasingly acquire the characteristics of participation and completion from the grass roots. Indeed, the most valuable resources in countries receiving development aid are human resources: herein lies the real capital that needs to accumulate in order to guarantee a truly autonomous future for the poorest countries. It should also be remembered that, in the economic sphere, the principal form of assistance needed by developing countries is that of allowing and encouraging the gradual penetration of their products into international markets, thus making it possible for these countries to participate fully in international economic life. 

***Bravissimo!  Exactly right.  There is the heart of the problem and the elucidation of the solution.***

Too often in the past, aid has served to create only fringe markets for the products of these donor countries. 

***I suppose “every single time” may be characterized as “too often.”  Again, circumspection. ***

This was often due to a lack of genuine demand for the products in question: it is therefore necessary to help such countries improve their products and adapt them more effectively to existing demand. 

***  Yes, the agent for this is called the small business importer.***

Furthermore, there are those who fear the effects of competition through the importation of products — normally agricultural products — from economically poor countries. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that for such countries, the possibility of marketing their products is very often what guarantees their survival in both the short and long term. 

***Yes, but more pressing is the crime of USA shipping in subsidized grain-as-aid and destroying the local farmers markets and distribution, and denying the same people the opportunity to sell us garments, an industry that might replace their farming.***

Just and equitable international trade in agricultural goods can be beneficial to everyone, both to suppliers and to customers. For this reason, not only is commercial orientation needed for production of this kind, but also the establishment of international trade regulations to support it and stronger financing for development in order to increase the productivity of these economies.

***Well, we already have lex mercatoria that supports and regulates free trade.  The problem is the international trade regulations that inhibit it.  It is Governments who cause the problems, not the traders. Sure, call for good things, but asking for state regulation is to bark up the wrong tree.  And we cannot have a Pope barking up the wrong tree.***

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why 90% Federal Tax Will Be No Problem in USA

The rich in France are fleeing a 75% tax, which is a terror to those whose wealth is identified as exceptional personal wealth.  As Obama noted, such wealthy made their money in conjunction with the state.  The state giveth and the state taketh.

We had 90% federal tax in my lifetime.  It was a time of solid economic advance.  It paid down debt, but there was also a huge cut in military spending.  So 90% tax plus 90% cut in military will pay down the debt and still leave us with the most powerful military in the world.

Other people who call for this have no idea what they are talking about, so they give the idea a bad name.

What is wonderful about a 90% tax rate is it nails the rich but leave entrepreneurs alone.  Say I bring in a million net "unearned income from investments."  No way around a $900K tax bill.  Say I start a business, and net $1 million.  Well, I am going to pay more money to get better people, lease a private jet and invest most of it in expanding my biz until uncle sam gets nothing because I have so many business write offs.

Fat cats living off passive income get nailed.  CEO with $50 million paychecks give up 90% of it. Money leaves the stock market and funds start-ups. Successful start-ups find they have more money than they know what to do with, and spread it around inside the company.  No one should pay any taxes, but don't worry about a 90% tax rate, welcome it.  It will not bother you.  And the inevtiable is the ideal.  It is coming anyway.

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Free Market & Green

Climate change hustlers annoy me, because they lie to get your money, and ultimately seek legislation to maintain pollution levels.  I say no pollution.  Because I love nature.  But we can have no pollution only in a free market.  I love it when people who love nature make something nasty beneficial.  Like swimming pools.

You must see this website featuring natural swimming pools.  Have any idea how many pounds of nasty chemicals go into a swimming pool each year?  Even the natural ones that use salt-water?  (Salt concentrated is pretty nasty too.)  And do you understand how synthetic hormones in the Pill are peed into pools and then recycled constantly through kids?  The EPA refuses to test for hormone levels.  Private tests are showing alarming results.

the daily green

Also, not noted, medicine is finding that video games keep boys from rolling in the dirt , an activity challenges their immune systems and makes them stronger.  Theory is this non-challenge is the source of auto-immune diseases.  These pools expose kids to beneficial pests.

Also, how come no fishes in the pools?

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Globalism and Charity

As I mentioned we trade with the rich parts of the world, and trade benefits those economies.  I saw China back in the 1970s when it was poor under communism.  People like to assign credit for China's boom to capitalism, but I doubt it.  That is a conversation for another day.

What is clear to me is foreign aid does not achieve the stated goals.  Neither state programs nor "charities" get the job done.  What does do the trick is freedom to do business, something the lack of which correlates relentlessly with poverty.  

That is not to say the starving people, for whatever reason, do not need immediate aid.  We are all for that.  But freedom to do business is what keeps people from starving in the first place.  Michael Maren's book the Road to Hell is an excellent place to start if you are interested in this topic.

Here is a rough outline of trade from USA perspective:

Foreign aid: taxing poor people in USA to give money to rich leaders overseas.

Exporting: Taking money from poor people overseas and giving it to rich people in USA.

Importing:  Taking money from rich people in USA and giving it to poor people overseas.

On the exporting side it is true of big business deals, but not the small business exporters.  Otherwise, that is largely how things go.

We can complain or hope the right person gets in office or whatever to make things better, and good luck with that.  In the meantime we can get trading.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why Paper Money?

Here is a silver dollar, pretty common, one ounce, worth today about $30.  You can find these in any coin shop.

People did not trust paper money, so the state introduced silver certificates, also worth one dollar, a warehouse receipt for a dollars worth of silver sitting in the mint, top.  After a while, the state got rid of those and passed out fiat currencies, bottom.

If you have silver certificates, you cannot get silver.  The USGovt repudiated the debt.  Silver certificates are a collectors item, you might get $2 for one, but not $30 worth of silver.  I have several.  See how easy it is for the state to break promises?

Today you can get say 6 or 7 gallons of gas for the one dollar silver coin.  Same as 1957.  In silver, prices are stable.  But with a paper dollar you can get maybe 1/5th of a gallon of gas.  A paper dollar buys far less. With paper, it is easy to print a lot and lower the buying power.  See why it was beneficial to the state to get rid of silver coins?

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Roberts Solomonic Ruling

Am I the only one who sees this?

The bishops want Obamacare.  They want the tax money to fund their activities.  They do not want to be told what to do with the money, particular the "health care mandates."

The bishops complained of the fines (penalties) in Obamacare law for noncompliance.

Justice Roberts proclaimed Obamacare acceptable because those penalties are taxes, not fines.

The church is tax exempt.

Therefore, those "taxes" will never be levied.

So, Obamacare stands.  The penalties are taxes.  The church is tax exempt, so no penalties for doing its own thing.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Inclined To Liberty

I read a colloquy excerpted from a book on liberty, and the author graciously offered a copy for me to read.  I wondered at his too-wide definition of markets, and upon reading his book I was delighted to see he actually gets very close to mine.  He also comes through on wealth and other definitions.

He too is clearly an anarchist, but people are not quick to use this description.  Although our backgrounds are different and our paths never crossed, we've come up with pretty much the same ideas.

We all must respond to the religion to which we are called, and I do not share his faith in natural selection, nor his doubts as to natural law.  But that only shows polar opposites on religion can agree on anarchy.

Carabini has laid out his quick clean exposition in the form of a catechism, with questions and answers, derived from points made during a dinner party.  It is a clean quick read, and a very good introduction.  I see it as a very good gift to someone who needs a dose of free thinking.

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

How Come You're Subsidized and Not Me?

Answer:  Because so many people depend on the (airline, banking, media, agriculture, shipping, military, education, insurance, medicine, religion, housing, etc), and no one depends on you.

How come so many people depend on your business and not mine?

Answer: Because we crowded out all of the competitors with rules and regulations that benefitted us.  In turn we support the people who made us, the powers that be.

So the only way out is to unregulate all of the above?

Answer:  Yea, sure... go ahead...

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Dying of Thirst in UK Hospitals

Make that 130,001.  When there is a strict policy to kill people through withholding water, messages will get mixed and they will kill the wrong person.  Here is a stressful story out of the UK where a patient could not get the nurse to give him water.  The doctor would not either.  He called his mom.  She told him to obey the nurse.  He called the cops.

He died of thirst.  Now his parents are unhappy.  How come, at no point, did someone not just give him a glass of water?

What do people expect from assembly line medicine? Note how expensive his conditon was.

But it is necessary to get rid of the people who are of no benefit to society.  Those who are a drain on the state.

Such stories scare the living daylights out of those normally targeted, and here is the heartwarming story of a lad who does not care to be helped by others.  Notice his work involves wheels.  I suspect it is just a ruse.  I think he is plotting a means to escape national health care.

There is no shortage of health care.  There is no shortage of food.  There is no overpopulation.  There is only problems in distribution, caused by state intervention in markets.  It starts with usury and ends with violence of war, after which the cycle starts again.


Usury is forbidden by all major religions.  The picture above is from an article where I commented at the bottom of the article.

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